Cody and I were able to get a room at the Ronald McDonald Family Room. Not real comfy, but I'm sure it was better than sleeping in the waiting room. Cody may not agree with that statement as he volunteered to take the mat on the bedroom floor and let me have the bed all to myself. What a guy!
We greatly appreciate all of the prayers and goodies we've received from everyone over the last few days. It's great reading everyone's comments. Cody and I have enough snacks to feed an army and will have a freezer stocked with food when we return home! I think that we have the best friends and family in the world!
No, nothing quite prepares you for seeing your baby like that. Hang in there. I know our Jake didn't have heart surgery, but he did have major abdominal surgery and looked a lot like that afterwards. My eyes are wet and my heart is heavy, yet joyful for you guys right now. Other than him being healthier after the post-op time period, the best part is that each day he will make some progress, it may be small, but it'll be there. One day soon you'll be excited and jumping up and down over his first poopy diaper:) you'll be overwhelmed with emotion the first time you get to hold him again~
ReplyDeleteWe'll keep praying! God is amazing, and he loves your family. He chose you to be Brett's parents. What a wonderful testimony to who you are! Remember to take a break soon. Walk over to Hallmark at Crown Center. Get a coffee at Einstien's.
That looks all too familiar -
ReplyDeleteI know it's awful to see your baby like that. I'll never forget the glazed over look in Josie's eyes. On the encouraging side, it's amazing how quickly they recover. Here's wishing Brett a speedy recovery! Get well soon, Cutie!
Just visiting from Pudge and Zippy's blog. . . Glad that the surgery is finished and wasn't as involved as initially thought. I used to work at CMH in the Same Day Surgery/PACU so I hope my former co-workers took good care of you all :) Prayers for healing and no complications!
ReplyDeleteOh your sweet baby- I'm so glad he's able to rest with his BFF Ernie. Continue prayers for his speedy recovery- and hugs and prayers for you awesome parents to hold up!
ReplyDeleteSuch a brave and sweet puffy muffin. So glad you were able to get a room under the same roof as little big stuff. Keep us posted on anything you need...okay? Praying you out of PICU as soon as can be...
ReplyDeleteThis brought tears to my eyes. He is such a brave little man! I think he's dreaming about his mommy and daddy. I know it's hard to see him like this, but it's wonderful knowing that the surgery is behind him, and now he can move forward and heal. He will be back to his old self before you know it. Will is looking forward to a playdate once Brett is feeling better. Take care of yourselves! Still praying. Love ya. - Jessica Pepper
ReplyDeleteErin - This brought tears to my eyes. But when I saw the pics of you and Cody holding him it made the progress so apparent. What a long way he's come in just a few days! I am so happy that he opened his eyes for you - what a gift! I would love to find a time to come down and visit (just me) but don't want to overwhelm when you have other visitors. Is there a good day/evening time? Let me know and I'll schedule a trip down there. Continued prayers for good progress!
ReplyDeleteLaura :)