We headed back to CMH Thursday morning for some blood work, X-rays and a checkup. They removed Brett's dressing and we were able to see his incision for the first time. Not as bad as I thought.
At this point I think someone switched my baby with a 13 year old girl. The kid is an emotional wreck! He is all smiles and giggles one minute and the next he is in tears. These aren't typical breakdowns. These are the end of the world, nothing will stop me from crying fits. And they can be caused by ANYTHING. Medicine, a wrong look, a point of the finger, the sight of his car seat, the list goes on and on.
I always knew that Cody and I were too lucky when it came to Brett's sleeping schedule. He has slept through the night since we stopped waking him to eat (4 weeks). Not the case these days. He never really wakes up, but the night is full of screams, tossing and some tears. He is moved to our bed before the night is over. I know it's not a good habit to start, but I need some sleep.
These are all very minor changes in our daily life and I know we are blessed if this is the worst of it. I'm sure he will be back to normal quickly. Each day we are from surgery, I see an improvement. I'm just glad to see the smiles and hear the giggles that I know and love.