Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Mother's Day Weekend

This little guy has been keeping me extra busy the last few days.  Last Friday, I joined Brett for breakfast at his daycare in celebration of Mother's Day.

So excited for muffins with mom! 

Saturday, Aunt Dana, Jessica, Will and I headed to Spring Hill for the Daffodil Festival (unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the boys together).  Not sure how they came up with the name since we didn't see a single flower, but it was a great time.
Checking out the firetruck!

Getting a lift in the CAT. 

His first peek at a school bus. 

Brett took it upon himself to take a tour. 

Looks like Brett won't have any problem taking the bus to preschool next year. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

It's Time to Party!

I know it's hard to believe, but Brett turned 2 on Saturday!

He got some pretty cool gifts.  Here are a few of the highlights.  

Nana and Papa Peters were able to find a scooter that was just his size!

His other Nana and Papa got him a BIG tunnel to play with.

He was introduced to a guy named Elmo!

Cody and I got Brett a choo-choo train that he was mesmerized by.

While Brett loved all his gifts, his most coveted gift is a car shaped ball pit from his Uncle Cory and Aunt Laura.

Brett gave a big smile and thanked everyone for celebrating the day with us.

We then headed upstairs for some snacks.

It was then time for the long awaited birthday cake.

Brett gave blowing out the candles a good shot, but ended up needing a little help from dad.

The best part was he was able to stay clean this year!

Now, I just have to find somewhere to put all Brett's new toys.  Specifically the 170 balls that came with his car.

A big thanks to everyone the took part in this special day!

It's Official- Brett is Big!

Today was a big day for Brett.  We had a visit with the cardiologist where we were told that Brett's repairs were fully healed and we don't have to go back for 2 years!  The doctor looked a little sad that she wasn't going to see Brett for a while, but who can blame her.  

We also made a trip to the pediatricians office.  We've spent a considerable about of time at Dr. Winburns' getting shots, so Brett was hesitant about going.  

It took some time, but Cody was able to wrangle the boy.

Brett was excited to hear that he didn't have to get any shots this time around.  Even better, he doesn't have a scheduled visit until his 3 year (I'm sure we'll be back before the end of May though).  

The best news was that we were given the go ahead to switch Brett's car seat to forward facing.  Brett had to assess the new found leg room he had.

I think he was pleased!